Meet the Attorneys

Overview And Experience

Constance S. McGuire

Admitted to the Texas Bar, 1975;
U.S. Supreme Court; U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas.

University of Texas at Arlington (B.A., 1971);
Texas Tech University (J.D., 1975).

County Judge, Ellis County, 1985-86.
Member: Ellis County Bar Association (President, 1980-82); State Bar of Texas (District 7B Grievance Committee, 1989-94).

Kent McGuire

Admitted to Texas Bar, 1975, Texas
U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas.

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (Bs., 1964);
Texas Tech University (J.D., 1974).

Member: Ellis County Bar Association; State Bar of Texas (Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, 1989-91).

Portrait Conor McGuire

Conor J. McGuire

Admitted to the Texas Bar, 2020;
Texas A&M University (B.B.A., 2003);
Texas A&M University – School of Rural Public Health (M.H.A, 2006);
UNT Dallas College of Law (J.D., 2020).

Member: Ellis County Bar Association.

Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives; Project Management Professional (PMP)

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